Got to Trim Weed in Oregon!!!

Not my actual hand! Trimmin' Weed in Oregon (Random pic from Google Images)

Oh how glorious it is to walk into a store in Oregon or Washington or Colorado and legally purchase marijuana. Glorious but still pretty fucking weird, one minute it’s illegal and possessing what we walked out of the dispensary with would have resulted in serious jail time legal hassles an arrest record etc and still would in the lamentable state of indiana. I was so tempted to ask a random cop ‘hey man do you know where I can score some chronic’ but thought best not to push our luck. When we got to spokane for our 1st show of the tour july 14 we did not stop did not detour did not pee poo stop to eat we went straight to the nearest dispensary. Oh heaven… not only a seemingly infinite variety of ready to smoke dope all labeled with its thc and cbd content and its relative effect, but also dabs and oils and creams and disposable and rechargeable vape pens and edibles- brownies lemon drops sour drops drinks- ok technically a drink isn’t so much an edible as a drinkable- etc etc. my straight up smokeables faves were narnia, green crack, and sour diesel. I was so baked for our 1st show at the wonderful Checkerboard Lounge with our soon to be new buds (get it?) Marijuana Killed Marc that I thought I’d have to rename us as Marijuana Killed Blind Uncle Harry. by far my preferred way to go 

Personally I think I went to dopesmokers unite and take over heaven when we obtained some gainful employment trimming in Oregon. Trimming is where you take a bud from the plant and trim off the excess leaves stems etc with a pair of little scissors. I didn’t wear any gloves and after a few hours I had so much resin residue on my fingertips that I actually got high. Then again it could have been from the hours of smoking and ingesting. Apart from the obvious fun of hanging out with a mountain of fresh green high (get it?) thc content weed, sitting around a table shooting the shit with a bunch of other potheads certainly made the time go past. Well relatively fast as there was that stoner time thing where you are certain two hours have passed and it’s actually only been 7 minutes and 35 seconds.

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